How To Use Food To Boost Your Mood While TTC

Are you on the fertility journey and having terrible mood swings? The constant ups and downs from month after month of trying can be so exhausting! Did you know that the food you eat can directly affect your moods? To help combat your stress levels, try a few of these tips below to boost your mood, decrease stress and anxiety.

Fix Your Fertility TTC

1) Increase protein consumption. As women, we do not normally eat enough protein. The more good quality protein you consume the higher the levels of dopamine you will have. Dopamine is your ‘feel good’ neurotransmitter while proteins are the building blocks of all life.  If you are trying to create a new human being, you will need enough protein to create new life. Quality counts so be sure to eat grass fed beef or pasture raised pork and chicken as well as wild caught seafood. 

2) Some complex carbs can be beneficial to your moods. Try eating complex carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes, quinoa, butternut squash and properly soaked legumes for dinner along with protein and fiber for a complete meal. Carbs can help to increase your serotonin levels which is another neurotransmitter that helps with happiness. 

3) Clean up your gut: Over 90% of your ‘happiness’ serotonin receptors are found in your gut. The majority of your melatonin which aids in sleep is also made in your digestive tract. The gut brain connection is a real thing and is connected by your vagus nerve. Studies show that when you are put on an antidepressant some side effects can show up as diarrhea, nausea and gastro intestinal problems. This is a direct gut/brain connection.

4) Eat breakfast: This will set you up for the day by stabilizing your blood sugar when you eat a quality breakfast. Remember you are looking for balance with all of your meals so that means enough quality protein, fat and fiber. 

5) Eat good quality fat with every meal - Your brain is made up of mostly fat and you need good fats to help all of the cells in your body. Examples of good fat would be grass fed butter, ghee, coconut manna, avocados, nuts, fatty fish like quality salmon, sardines. Omega 3 that are found in oily fish  are very anti-inflammatory and help to relieve depression. 

6) Eat foods rich in vitamin D: Things such as egg yolks, liver and oily fish like sardines, salmon, mackerel and even mushrooms will help to boost your vitamin D levels. Getting outside in the sun for about 20 minutes per day is one of the best ways to increase your vitamin D. Low levels of Vitamin D are at epidemic levels and can be a cause of depression. Making sure you have adequate levels is very important for balancing moods as well as improving your immune system.

7) Eat your greens: Eating dark leafy greens such as arugula can help to boost your folate which does wonders for your mood. Folate also known as vitamin B 12 is critical for cell function and growth. Low levels can lead to poor cognitive function and depression. 

8) Eat the Rainbow: Making sure that you have all different colors of food throughout the day leads to foods that are high in antioxidants. These foods are normally packed with vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C and E as well as magnesium.  Antioxidants are ‘anti’ against ‘oxidation’. So think of when something oxidized such as a metal pipe that rusts. We don’t want our bodies to be rusting from the inside so we need such beautiful foods that are high in antioxidants. Some examples would be red bell peppers high in vitamin C, blueberries and purple cabbage. Things like nuts and seeds as well as avocados are rich in vitamin E which is great at reducing inflammation. 

9) Eat dark chocolate: Probably everyone's favorite tip is to eat dark chocolate to help improve your mood and chocolate is in fact a mood enhancer! Chocolate has a couple of different components that help to improve your mood. The first would be caffeine which will give you a little boost. The second is theobromine which helps to give you a lift similar to caffeine. The name derives from “food for the gods”. Tryptophan is an amino acid that helps to produce serotonin, the happiness hormone which is also found in turkey and avocados. Another chemical found in dark chocolate is Anandamide which helps to relieve anxiety. The last is phenylethylamine which is the same hormone released when we are in love! Is it any wonder why we give chocolate on Valentines to the ones we love. 

10) Stay away from Poor quality food: Eating a lot of processed foods will cause inflammation and lead to nutritional deficiencies which will naturally lower moods, increase anxiety and could cause depression. These foods will also zap your energy . 

Caitlin Townsend