Practical Magic While TTC

October is one of my favorite months, not just because it’s my birthday but because of all the magic that's in the air. Can you feel it too? The crisp air, the apple cider, the smell of a crackling fire all bring about a sense of change. A change in season can also mean a change in ourselves during our fertility journey. Oftentimes we get stuck in the same rut, eating the same food, taking the same supplements and feeling like nothing is ever going to change and that time just keeps ticking. What if we zoom out and look at what nature is doing all around us. Can we learn something from this season?

How can we tap into this feeling of magic while we are trying to conceive? 

Fall is naturally a time to slow down as nature begins to go into hibernation. The flowers have all died back while the leaves fall from the trees, the squirrels are gathering their nuts to prepare for a long winter ahead and night comes earlier and earlier.  And yet, we as a society tend to speed up during this time. It can be very hectic with everyone gearing up for the multitude of holidays that come our way. We can often get caught up in rushing to decorate for Halloween, then take it all down to prepare for Thanksgiving with Christmas right around the corner. It ends up being all consuming and too much. We might find ourselves catching a cold during this time, feeling run down, but pushing through it anyway because there is so much to do. Does this pushing and non-stop movement serve our fertility journey? I am sure you know the answer to this.

But what if this year was different? Can we consciously choose to slow down so that our body feels safe to conceive?  We are part of the natural world even if we are far removed and live in cities with bright lights and no trees around. Can we step into a little practical magic during this season and slow down without feeling like we are missing out.

 From a scientific perspective, slowing down will get our body out of the constant fight or flight it deals with on a daily basis and into a rest and digest state called the parasympathetic state. When the body is always being triggered, constantly on guard, there is no way it will feel safe to bring in new life. It is so important to slow down and use nature as the perfect guide. 

Practical Magic Tips for the Season:

  • Saying no to all of the extra events and choosing the ones that you actually desire to go to, that will leave you feeling replenished and not depleted

  • Going to bed earlier- as the sun is setting much earlier and darkness comes faster we would greatly benefit from getting more sleep. It could also be a time to get cozy with your partner.

  • Slowing down to make a cup of tea and perhaps enjoy it with a friend or even just yourself.

  • Letting your creative juices flow while tapping into the Fall Season. This could look like making an apple cake, hanging a wreath on the front door or finding time to journal.

  • Tapping into your inner child by carving a pumpkin! What better way to embody being a mother to yourself while you wait for your child to come earthside than to experience a little fun and playtime.

  • Take a brisk walk outside and see how the season is shifting all around you. What do you notice, what do you smell or hear? Utilize your senses.

  • Focus on nutrient dense foods that are slow cooked will be perfect for you digestion during this Season. As the weather gets cooler our digestion can slow down and eating slow cooked meals like soups and stews can be easier on our digestive system. Think roasted root vegetables, bone broths, soups and stews.

So, while you are on your fertility journey this Fall Season, will you tap into your own Practical Magic? You already have everything inside of you to make it happen.

Caitlin Townsend